Monday 23 May 2016


At Business Head Shot we do exactly what the name suggests - provide you with professional and social media headshots, with the addition of professional, photographic friendly make up to ensure that you are putting your best face forward.

Why a professional headshot?

When you first meet someone how do you form you first impression of them? Consciously or not, you make your initial judgments based upon a person’s appearance - it’s just human nature to do so.

Today we live in an internet age and with the explosion of social media, our online appearance is just as important, if not more so, than our in-person image. Whether it’s Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or any other site which demands a profile image, we all judge people on their headshot, and never more so than when it comes to professional situations such as job interviews, networking and making connections.

A great headshot photo can land you the interview or audition you want. A bad headshot photo can see you overlooked and even damage your credibility. A good headshot can help to make your face more memorable, whereas a bad one may also get you remembered, just not for the right reasons!

Whilst it may be tempting to ask an amateur friend to take a photograph for you, the difference will be noticeable. A professional headshot helps you to create the right image for yourself, reflecting an attention to detail and professionalism which a ‘selfie’ or amateur photo just can’t achieve.

A professional photographer understands the right positioning, lighting and framing to get a flattering image that portrays the best version of yourself. They are also able to put you at ease in order to capture an image that truly reflects your personality - none of those fake, tight smiles that don’t reach the eyes! With a professional photographer, you are also benefitting from their editing skills after the shoot to make any final adjustments and provide an image that is perfect for your requirements.

You deserve a professional headshot and we are dedicated to giving you just that.

Lee and Suzanne